Our Blog

Building a Shared Financial Platform: MSP’s Key to Unlocking Capital at Scale

Building a Shared Financial Platform: MSP’s Key to Unlocking Capital at Scale

This summer, GroundBreak is beginning the work of building a shared, regional financial platform. By doing this, our region will be able to provide a reliable, long-term, and consistent source of financing for wealth builders in the region. We are excited to move this innovative platform forward to create a central hub for directing and scaling investments that can fund aspirations and shrink wealth gaps, for good.

Design Sprints Uncover Innovative Capital Investment Pathways

Design Sprints Uncover Innovative Capital Investment Pathways

During GroundBreak Coalition “design sprints,” work group members brainstormed innovative capital investment pathways that could close racial gaps in income and wealth for Black homeowners, renters, entrepreneurs, and commercial developers. The products that emerged from recent work group meetings will be a key foundation to the eventual capital prototypes.

Our Strategic Approach to Building BIPOC Wealth

Our Strategic Approach to Building BIPOC Wealth

GroundBreak believes the most effective way to ultimately improve outcomes for all residents, especially those from BIPOC communities that our systems typically exclude, is to concentrate our efforts on the aspirations of MSP residents who experience some of our region’s deepest and most persistent disparities and ensure that the outcomes of GroundBreak are realized on the ground in specific communities.

GroundBreak Hosts Community Briefing

GroundBreak Hosts Community Briefing

GroundBreak Coalition partners, including McKnight Foundation, US Bank, Bush Foundation, the Center for Economic Inclusion, and Hennepin County co-hosted a briefing on July 19, 2022 to provide an overview of GroundBreak and its goals, share more about who is involved and what’s next, and answer community questions.

5 Takeaways from GroundBreak Coalition’s Launch

5 Takeaways from GroundBreak Coalition’s Launch

The launch of GroundBreak Coalition on May 12 was an invitation to financial and corporate institutions, government, and philanthropic and nonprofit leaders to commit to unlocking the wealth potential of historically under-invested communities. The ultimate goal is to mobilize more than $2 billion over 10 years and deploy it to four areas: homeownership, rental housing, commercial development, and BIPOC entrepreneurship. Working together, we know we can position Minneapolis-Saint Paul to lead the nation in committing needed resources to achieve racial and economic justice.

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