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Updates from the Coalition
GroundBreak Coalition Mid-Year Update
As we find ourselves just past the mid-year point, the GroundBreak Coalition is inspired by our collective progress and ready to keep the momentum going. Together, we are on our way toward unlocking plentiful capital to expand wealth-building opportunities in our region – and toward keeping that capital flowing.
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Adds Urgency to Minnesota’s GroundBreak Coalition Efforts to Reimagine How Capital Flows to Black Wealth Builders
Sunrise Banks joined the GroundBreak Coalition along with 40 other leaders from the private, public, and philanthropic sectors to make intentional systemic changes based on input from community leaders who shared the exact same pain-points as many of the founders of color who banked with SVB.
Three Things to Know: How Minneapolis-St. Paul Can Unlock Capital for Unprecedented Black Wealth Building
GroundBreak is at an exciting inflection point, and the months ahead will be pivotal for bringing its vision into reality. Three important developments show where we are now and where we are going.
Design Sprints Uncover Innovative Capital Investment Pathways
During GroundBreak Coalition “design sprints,” work group members brainstormed innovative capital investment pathways that could close racial gaps in income and wealth for Black homeowners, renters, entrepreneurs, and commercial developers. The products that emerged from recent work group meetings will be a key foundation to the eventual capital prototypes.
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See GroundBreak Coalition workgroup recommendations, monthly update call recordings, and past meeting summaries.